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Газпромнефть Антифриз BS 40

The product is available in the following packages:
1 килограм
5 килограма
10 килограма
220 килограма
Technical specifications / Classifications:
Specifications and approvals:
  • ASTM D 3306
  • ASTM D 4985
  • ГОСТ 33591-2015

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Газпромнефть Антифриз BS 40 is a ready-to-use ethylene glycol-based coolant designed for use in internal combustion engines.

  • Protects against corrosion and cavitation. A package of additives containing nitrites is used.
  • No deposits and scale. The supplement package does not contain phosphates.
  • It has efficient heat transfer. Ensures normal engine operating temperature.
  • Protects the cooling system from freezing and boiling. The basic component is ethylene glycol.

  • Cars, trucks and specialized equipment.
  • Stationary diesel and gas piston engines.
  • Газпромнефть Антифриз BS 40 is a ready-to-use coolant and must not be diluted with water.

Typical characteristics Method Газпромнефть Антифриз BS 40
Color Visual Green
- at 20 °С, g/cm³

ASTM D 1122

Boiling point
- concentrate, °С
- 50% volume solution, °С

ASTM D 1120
ASTM D 1120

not less than 163
Reserve Alkalinity, ml HCl ASTM D 1121 5.0
pH, 50% volume solution ASTM D 1287 10
Foaming characteristics
- volume, ml
- settling time, sec.

ASTM D 1881
ASTM D 1881

Freezing Point, °С, 50% volume solution ASTM D 1177 -37
Water Content, wt % ASTM D 1123 4