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Gazpromneft Turbo Universal 15W-40

The product is available in the following packages:
Technical specifications / Classifications:
  • SAE: 15W-40
  • API: CD
Specifications and approvals:
  • ПАО «Автодизель» (ЯМЗ)
  • ПАО «ТМЗ»

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Gazpromneft Turbo Universal 15W-40 - all-season motor oil designed for use in diesel engines with or without a turbocharger, meeting the environmental class Euro-0 or Euro-1. Gazpromneft Turbo Universal 15W-40 oil is specially designed for year-round use instead of seasonal engine oils: M-8DM, M-10DM, M-10G2k, M-10G2, M-8G2k, M-8G2.

  • High neutralizing ability → excellent operation with fuels with sulfur content up to 0.5% by mass → use of fuel from Euro-0 and higher.
  • Modern formula → compared to GOST-level oils, Gazpromneft Turbo Universal series oils have dispersing additives, due to which it is possible to increase the replacement interval → reduce the cost of lubricants.
  • Excellent viscosity-temperature characteristics → oils work perfectly both in summer and winter season → reduced seasonal maintenance costs.
  • Universality of application → Gazpromneft Turbo Universal 15W-40 oil was created to unify motor oils M-8DM, M-10DM, M-10G2k, M-10G2, M-8G2k, M-8G2 → rationalization of warehouses.
  • Improved cleaning properties → Gazpromneft Turbo Universal oils resist the formation of deposits on engine parts → increase engine life before overhaul.

  • Off-road equipment that runs on diesel fuel with a sulfur content of up to 0.5% by mass.
  • For forced diesel engines (turbocharged or non-turbocharged) where GOST level oils are used (or required API CD performance level and below).
  • Recommended for high mileage / high hour engines.

Typical characteristics Method Gazpromneft Turbo Universal 15W-40
Kinematic Viscosity
- at 100 °С, mm²/s
- at 40 °С, mm²/s

ASTM D 445
ASTM D 445

Flash Point (COC), °С ASTM D 92 230
Pour Point, °С ГОСТ 20287 - 31
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g ГОСТ 11362 9.0
Sulfated Ash, wt% ASTM D 874 1.2
- at 20 °С, g/cm³

ASTM D 4052

Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 134